From Good to Awesome

Driving curiosity-powered business transformation for today’s leaders

Leveraging The Lens of Curiosity in Business

  • Leadership skills

    Curious leaders achieve more. Harnessing the power of curiosity, they become masterful at listening, questioning and focusing on the right decisions that drive business results.

  • Culture & Values-based Engagement

    People perform best when they engage meaningfully with the Purpose of the organisation. Find out how we help you build a compelling Vision and a Culture that cultivates engagement.

  • Strategy Co-Design Workshop

    One of the fundamental challenges of leadership is deciding whether to retain existing strategies, or take a bold new path.

  • Selling Beyond Targets

    A curious sales and marketing team drives revenue by fulfilling unmet customer needs more effectively than anyone else

  • Reimagine Meeting Effectiveness

    Find out more about how a curiosity-led meeting delivers more engagement, productivity and value from participants.

  • Coaching for Leadership

    Gain clarity and purposeful action plans from 1:1 or group coaching by applying a lens of curiosity on challenging issues.

Our Values

  • Playfulness

    Because you learn better when you’re having fun

  • Being Real

    Because we apply real life experience and examples to our training and consulting

  • Purposeful

    Because this is not just an exercise in theory

working together


  • Because curious leaders are more likely to explore new ideas, ask critical questions, and seek diverse perspectives.

    This mindset has been researched and constantly studied on its benefits in fostering a culture of continuous learning, enabling organizations to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world.

    Moreover, curiosity encourages leaders to challenge the status quo, promoting creative problem-solving and strategic thinking. It also enhances empathy, as curious leaders are more inclined to understand the needs and motivations of their team members.

    Curiosity isn't merely just a trait; it's the fuel that propels leaders and their teams towards growth, resilience, and competitive advantage in business.

  • Because at Curious Leaders Circle, our team bring a unique blend of extensive real-world leadership experience, a dynamic and enjoyable approach, and a toolkit of practical techniques to the challenges that you may face.

    With years of leading teams across diverse businesses, we’ve confronted and conquered a myriad of challenges, with the ability to share valuable insights and strategies.

    We prioritize authenticity, making interactions genuine and relatable, fostering trust within teams. Our philosophy is to infuse fun into the learning process, making it engaging and memorable.

    Most importantly, we offer actionable, real-world techniques that clients can immediately apply, ensuring tangible and sustainable results in their leadership journey.

  • We partner with clients to drive a transformative leadership experience that transcends the usual didactic learning and training.

    We will share the real-life insights, battle-tested strategies, and practical tools to tackle even the most formidable leadership challenges.

    But it's not just about business; it's about making leadership enjoyable. Together, we'll infuse fun into the process, making learning a memorable adventure. Expect to gain a deep understanding of your unique leadership style, build trust with your teams, and develop a toolkit of actionable techniques that yield real-world results.

  • Yes, of course!

    Many of our clients ask for a tailored version of one of our programs, and we are always happy to do that. Others seek something totally bespoke, which allows us to craft every element of the program to meet your precise learning needs.

    Schedule a call and we can better understand what you’re looking for and guide you in the process.

  • Yes, we can tailor it to your needs.

    Many clients seek to fit programs into existing events, so we adapt content to suit the time available. We often get asked to precede major events with “teaser” workshops of 1-2 hours duration, and that’s a great approach too.

    On the other hand, some clients are looking for a longer term journey, where we potentially dive even deeper into major topics like Leadership and Team Dynamics across multiple interventions.

    Whatever your needs, we are here to help.

Curious to find out more?

Talk to us!

Book a 30-min conversation to find out more and ask the questions you need.

There’s no hard selling, no pitch, no tricky instructions on manoeuvring a 30-day trial period or the coffee machine. We are genuinely keen to hear from you and explore the space as you need.

Click on the time slots that are most convenient for you - or just drop us a note directly at or

…or join in the conversations here at the Curious Leaders Circle community group!