Culture and Values-Based Engagement


In-Person or Virtual Delivery | 2 Full Day Sessions | Facilitated Group Work | Self-Assessments | Team Diagnostics

In today's complex business landscape, organisations increasingly recognise the profound impact of culture and values as the foundation for business performance..

That drives a sense of purpose, better employee engagement and higher-placed productivity.

In this workshop, we delve into the core principles of building a workplace where a common purpose and authenticity are at the forefront. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools to create a culture, that not only attracts top talent, but also retains and nurtures them.

We will explore the essential components of fostering purpose-driven teams, including defining your organization's values, aligning them with your mission, and embedding them into daily practices.

Additionally, we'll dive into the concept of "being real" as leaders, emphasizing the importance of transparent communication, vulnerability, and empathy in leadership.

Who Should Attend?

  • Leadership Team Members

  • Department Heads and HR Leads

  • Change Agents / Key High-Potential Talents

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will learn how to strategically define, shape, and align their organization's culture with its mission and desired values. They will understand the importance of culture as a competitive advantage and how it influences employee engagement, innovation, and overall business performance.

Through interactive sessions and case studies, attendees will develop the knowledge and tools needed to design and implement culture development strategies tailored to their specific organizations.

Through self-assessment, role-playing, and peer feedback, attendees will develop the personal and interpersonal skills required to build trust, inspire their teams, and lead with authenticity. This includes strategies for effective communication, active listening, and employee empowerment.

Areas of Focus


Help employees gain clarity around the company’s mission and vision - to be the best they can be at work.


Learn how to communicate transparently, address concerns openly, and share the organization's goals and values effectively.


Highly crucial for creating a culture where values are upheld and purpose is realised

Learning Outcomes

  • Attendees will learn how to define a clear and compelling organizational purpose that transcends profit and resonates with employees on a personal level - and across different levels and functions. They'll explore strategies for aligning this purpose with day-to-day tasks and projects, fostering a greater sense of meaning and fulfillment in their work.

    They'll learn how to identify, articulate, and communicate these values effectively, ensuring that every team member understands the "why" behind their work.

  • Once the purpose and values are clearly defined, attendees will learn how to use these to craft culture.

    We explore the real world challenges of businesses that exist across multiple sites and potentially multiple countries. We invite participants to share their experiences of great and failed cultures, unpacking both the handbrakes that can derail a successful culture, and the accelerants that leaders can utilise to maximise the likelihood that their chosen culture does in fact become “how things are around here”.

    Importantly, we work through some of the most difficult (but surprisingly common) negative forces that challenge workplace culture, such as toxic high performers and negative leaders or influencers.”

  • The workshop will emphasize the importance of authentic leadership. Leaders will discover how vulnerability, transparency, and empathy can foster trust and build stronger connections with their teams. By being genuine in their interactions, leaders will inspire employees to align with the organization's values and purpose.

  • Participants will leave with actionable strategies and best practices for embedding values and purpose into daily operations. This includes techniques for setting clear expectations, providing feedback, and recognizing and rewarding behaviors that align with the desired culture.

  • Attendees will learn how to measure the impact of culture and values-based initiatives, using metrics and feedback loops to track progress and make necessary adjustments. Continuous improvement strategies will be explored to ensure that the culture remains dynamic and adaptable to evolving employee needs and market conditions.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.