The Leadership Skills


In-Person Delivery | 2 Full Day Sessions | Facilitated Group Work | Self-Assessments | Team Diagnostics

Challenge your leadership team to become truly great leaders by understanding and strengthening the core traits that underpin great leadership.
Curiosity isn’t a goal in itself. Curiosity unlocks the potential for a myriad of masterful powerful traits. Great leaders create powerful teams and deliver superior business results. They also learn to thrive with the responsibility of leadership.

It’s worth the effort.

We specialise in helping you ignite your own curiosity and training you to manifest that in critical leadership behaviours. Our approach ensures your learning in the training room is instantly applicable and relevant in the workplace. 
In this intensive program we dive deep in our exploration of core traits of successful leadership, helping you identify gaps and accelerate your progress toward leadership excellence.

Who Should Attend?

  • Professional executives with direct reports or those who lead people in a matrix organisation

  • Management or leadership team members

Learning Outcomes:

During this intensive program, participants will review core behavioural traits that are the foundations of excellent leadership.

For each trait, there will be an element of self assessment and self reflection as participants identify potential gaps in their leadership toolkit, combined together with action planning to address those gaps.

We make extensive use of real-life examples in the workshop to help every participant maximise their learning experience. Via highly participative discussions, we help you learn to identify the leadership “handbrakes” and reprogram habit-based responses to ensure radically better outcomes.

Areas of Focus

Authenticity and Vulnerability

Rather than being antagonistic, these two traits are fundamental to building trust in teams.


The driving force behind strategic agility and building engagement for better results.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

High EQ is perhaps the strongest predictor of excellent leadership.


Knowing your role as the leader of the team, creating purpose and team cohesion to move in the same direction.

Learning Outcomes

  • Curious leaders are more adaptable and open to change. Moreover, strategically agile curious leaders become masterful at leading their teams to embrace and thrive in the face of carefully-measured degrees of change.

    Through the masterclass, participants will gain strategies to embrace change, stay updated with industry trends, and foster a culture of continuous learning within their teams and organizations.

  • Participants will develop the skill of approaching challenges and problems with a curious mindset. They will learn to ask critical questions, explore different perspectives, and seek innovative solutions to complex issues.

  • Curiosity fosters empathy and inclusivity. Attendees will learn how to be more empathetic leaders by seeking to understand the experiences and perspectives of their team members, thus creating a more inclusive and diverse work environment.

  • Curiosity-driven leaders become better communicators and active listeners.

    Attendees will learn to engage in meaningful conversations, ask probing questions, and demonstrate genuine interest in others’ ideas and opinions, leading to improved team dynamics and collaboration.

  • Curious leaders become great decision-makers. They find the ideal balance between risk-taking and being informed.

    The masterclass will equip participants with the tools to gather comprehensive information, evaluate alternatives, and make well-informed decisions, leading to better outcomes for their teams and organizations.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.