Strategy Co-Design Workshop

In-Person Delivery | 2 Full Day Sessions | Offsite Options | Facilitated Team Work

As leaders of organizations, you understand the profound impact that strategy has on your ability to meet customer needs, remain relevant, and achieve your goals.

However, in today's dynamic world, the strategies that worked yesterday may no longer suffice.

Part of the challenge is identifying the strategies that are still relevant and should be retained, versus those that are losing relevance and need to be refined or re-imagined.

The Strategy Co-Design Workshop will elevate your team’s strategic thinking and equip you with the tools to refine and where necessary rebuild your organisation’s commercial strategies.

We'll begin by nurturing your curiosity, encouraging you to ask the right questions, challenge assumptions, and view challenges as opportunities. We’ll also explore the competitive landscape to identify emerging trends, the headwinds and tailwinds for the business.

Understanding your customers’ needs is critical. Therefore, we will delve into the customer journey, analysing feedback and building customer-centric strategies that meet their needs more impact fully.

Who Should Attend?

  • CEOs and Business Owners

  • Department Heads and HR Leads

  • Marketers / Strategic Planners / Analysts

  • Mid-Level Managers / Emerging Leaders

This workshop is inclusive for individuals from various industries, sectors, and levels of experience. It is especially beneficial for leaders seeking to build a culture of curiosity, innovation, and adaptability within their organizations, while refining their strategic capabilities to meet the ever-evolving demands of a competitive business landscape.

By the end of this workshop  your team will have determined which strategies to retain and what new strategies are needed. Participants will progress to crafting your comprehensive change management project ensuring maximum engagement across your teams as you prepare to implement new chosen strategies.

Be prepared to challenge the status quo, ignite your curiosity towards the business, and design strategies that will set your organization for success.

Areas of Focus

Challenging Status Quo

We examine hidden forces that protect Status Quo and teach you how to identify and eliminate them

Lens of Customers

Building a business model that serves the customer at the heart of everything you do


Every team member knows what needs to be done and ensures alignment to other functions

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will learn how to foster a mindset that actively seeks knowledge, encourages exploration, and values inquiry. This involves developing the habit of asking insightful questions and embracing the unknown.

    This workshop will also challenge participants to question existing assumptions and conventional wisdom, promoting the exploration of unconventional and innovative ideas.

    Instead of perceiving challenges as obstacles, participants will be encouraged to see them as opportunities for growth and innovation. They will learn to approach problems with a positive and open mindset.

  • Reviewing the customer experience by mapping out the customer journey can identify touchpoints, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

    By analysing customer feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, participants can gain insights into customer preferences and needs, creating customer-centric strategies that address identified needs, and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Participants will ensure that the strategies they co-design align with their organization's overarching vision, mission, and values for sustainable success.

    Through interactive workshops, participants will engage in collaborative problem-solving and brainstorming sessions to generate innovative ideas.

  • This workshop will equip participants with communication strategies to effectively convey the rationale behind new strategies along with the conviction of the need to change. The combination ensures buy-in and understanding among team members which is critical for effective followship.

    Based on insights and feedback from real experiences, participants will learn how best to respond to changing conditions, balancing risk and making informed decisions. They will learn to identify and leverage the ideal lead and lag indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of their strategies.”

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.