Selling Beyond Targets


In-Person or Virtual Delivery | 2-3 Full Day Sessions | Facilitated Group Work | Self-Assessments | Team Diagnostics

While sales quotas and revenue goals are undoubtedly crucial, true excellence in sales goes beyond mere numbers.

It's about fostering genuine connections, understanding customer needs on a deeper level.

It’s more than hitting quotas.

It's about forging lasting relationships, delivering solutions that resonate, and consistently exceeding expectations.

At the heart of this transformative approach lies the power of curiosity.

By embracing curiosity as a guiding principle, your team will not only meet targets, but also become trusted advisors, problem solvers, and innovators in their field.

Over the course of this program, we will dive into the different ways in which curiosity transforms the sales landscape.

From asking the right questions to understanding customer motivations, from adapting to changing market dynamics to developing creative solutions, curiosity is the key that unlocks the door to sales excellence.

Together, we will explore how curiosity-centered skills can revolutionize your approach to sales, setting your team on a path to unparalleled success - one meaningful customer connection at a time.

Who Should Attend?

  • Sales Executives / Representatives

  • Sales Leadership Team

  • Key Account Managers

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will learn to be master the art of building  natural flows of curiosity fuelled questioning, coupled with (significantly) enhanced active listening. These will form the foundation of deeper understanding, and genuine empathising with customer needs. They will further develop innovative problem solving abilities, allowing them to position unique solutions that address customer challenges and therefore ignite sales.

Stronger customer relationships will be a key takeaway, as improved communication and interpersonal skills will foster loyalty and repeat business. Sales professionals will also become more adaptable, better equipped to navigate market changes and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Value-centric selling will be emphasized, encouraging participants to deliver exceptional value beyond meeting quotas. Data-driven decision-making will be another key outcome, empowering teams to make informed choices and identify new opportunities.

By focusing on empathy, emotional intelligence, problem identification, and innovative sales strategies, participants will consistently exceed customer expectations, leading to high levels of satisfaction and referrals.

Areas of Focus

Value-Centric Selling

Focus on delivering exceptional value to customers, understanding their needs and going beyond just meeting sales quotas

Continuous Learning

A commitment to ongoing learning and curiosity-driven self-improvement will be instilled, ensuring that sales teams remain at the forefront of their field

Strategic Adaptability

Become more adaptable and capable of navigating changes in the market, responding to shifts in customer behavior, and adjusting their strategies accordingly.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will undergo comprehensive training to delve beyond surface level customer needs, thereby uncovering the deeper motivations and pain points driving those needs. This heightened understanding enables more effective problem solving, unlocking significant hidden sales opportunities.

    Participants will refine their active listening skills, allowing them to engage in meaningful conversations with customers. They'll learn how to ask open-ended questions and listen attentively to gain valuable insights, making customers feel heard and valued.

    The masterclass will emphasize the importance of empathy in sales. Sales teams will learn to put themselves in the customer's shoes, enabling them to better relate to customer challenges and respond with genuine care and concern.

  • The masterclass will encourage sales teams to think creatively when encountering customer challenges. They will learn to approach problems with an open mind, exploring unconventional solutions that go beyond standard offerings.

    Sales leaders will gain the ability to identify root causes of customer issues rather than merely addressing surface-level concerns. This leads to more effective problem resolution and increased customer satisfaction.

    Participants will discover how to position themselves as trusted problem-solvers rather than salespeople. This shift in mindset allows them to add significant value to customer interactions, which is essential for building customer loyalty.

  • Sales leaders will learn how to efficiently gather and leverage market intelligence effectively, separating noise from key messages. This enables them to stay informed about industry trends, competitor strategies and emerging opportunities, enabling them to adapt proactively.

    The masterclass will instill a culture of agility, ensuring that sales teams are ready to pivot their strategies in response to changing market conditions. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

  • Sales professionals will focus on making every interaction genuinely valuable to their customer, driven to consistently exceed customer expectations. They will go the extra mile to deliver value beyond what customers anticipate, differentiating themselves from competitors as they create memorable and positive experiences.

    Participants will master the art of quickly identifying customer pain points before empathising and effectively addressing them. This proactive approach reinforces the perception that your sales team is genuinely committed to the success of the customer.”

Questions before getting started?

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